I’ve been completely absent from the blogosphere for seven days, for a reason out of my hand, many changes happened .. I can’t describe how much I missed it in here, everything about here, that blue page, the news of all of you dropping by here… digits, words, thoughts, keys over my Keyboard, Screen, feelings, images, imagination, spirit, a whole life, an atmosphere of real intimacy!
We always lose things but the situation becomes harder when we lost it in spite of our will!
And that made me think …
It’s very hard to lose something you used for its existence in your life which became an important part of it, something you used to see everyday, when you first open your eyes in the morning!
Do we lose things intensely ‘cause we were compelled or coerced to lose it?, I mean; if we abandoned it upon a pre-decision we won’t miss it that bad, I reckon the answer would be yes!
In general the lose of precious and valuable things which has a real high meaning in our life, always ‘cause pains to us!
And the question is, what kind of humans you will be when you start to lose these essential meanings, symbols … signs gradually from your life!
It’s strange, as you stand on the top of an awfully high mountain and watching the whole world down turning to be emotionally powerless and vacant,
Nothing is having its true meaning anymore …. You cant touch these lands, and if you decided to fly to look for it again, gravity is no more existing to pull you down to your land!
And I lost a thing in that past days too!
My Little cuddled pampered babe PC was ill !! it had an attack in its heart “ the motherboard ” it wasn’t responding and couldn’t read its brain “ the Hard Disk ”
I’m very attached to my PC, there is a sort of relation connecting us.
I may seem to be mad ‘cause I say “ there is a sort of relation which connects me to that dump machine ” … but it’s true, and I couldn’t feel how much I’m a adoring it except when I lost it in that past days, as If I lost a very dear person to me!
I just bought it three months ago and since then I cant part with it
Now as it back to me I feel I’m alive again!, I think it’s completely fixed & healed the company has replaced the motherboard by other one a different brand too, I feel this one is much better!
The owner & Engineers whom working in that company are very courteous, I like dealing with them, they just called me back to check if I’m satisfied about it now or not, and they didnt accept me to pay an extra pound for them!.
If my bereavement to this PC was on account of going on a trip or an exceed of work pressure, maybe I wouldn’t feel that bad, this could be one of the reasons .. on addition ‘cause I bought it from my own personal account which made it more valuable for me loll !
But, maybe it’s better for me to lose my PC in that time, I have no control on my use for that PC, net surfing absorbs time, even if it was just for 2 hours per night :) so thinking about it as allah decreed, was making me feel ecstatic.
it pulled in the exact timing something I like, to drift me for something much important in that last 10 days of Ramadan and the night of decree.
Thank you allah … ‘cause you care about me that much
First of all, ya meeet welcome back, we really missed you a lot.
I also have this problem of getting emotionlly attached with my things; mobiles, laptops, cars...etc. Every time I change one of my "things" with a new one, I feel these mixed feelings of being happy with the one and sad for losing the old one.
BTW, 7amdela 3ala salamet yr "little cuddled pampered babe PC":))
Adding my vioce to wonderer, we really missed u alot :)..welcome back.
And btw, it's very normal to get attached to things... and this attachment goes with time when replaced by new things.
The extreme in considering these things irreplaceable.. I think only humans should get that rank in our lives.
Welcome back ya Tota .. ew3i tekhtefi tani keda men gheir mat2ooli...
"it pulled in the exact timing something I like, to drift me for something much important in that last 10 days of Ramadan"
Sub7an Allah ... sometimes Rabena beyratteblena 7agat keda men gheir ma nakhod balna.. el7amdulilah
Kol sana wenti tayeba w el PC beta3ek bese7a w salama ;-D
That’s really overwhelming and very touching thank you :), I have been missing u too.
allah yesallimkom :)
Well Rain, Wonderer
I’m not that type of people who get attached to things easily!,
That PC is a special case!
.. the best things which usually happens to me is all of allah decreed, going in a different route than the one i planned for, and find the best results in the end :)
Welcome back tota ,we really missed you...
I remember that I cried 11 years ago when my father sold his old peugeot car ,we had it for about 15 years and I was feeling very attached to it ,I remember standing in the balcony watching the new owner while he's taking it and knowing deep in my heat that I won't bee seeing it again ,I kept watching it till it dissapeared into the horizon ,then I couldn't stop my tears anymore.
I am not comfortable with your explaination for the absence of your PC during the last 10 days of Ramadan ,it's may be your feeling that this was act of God to make you more focused on prayers and quraan during these days but I don' thnk so ,there's millions and millions of people praying alot and reading quraan during the last 10 days and their PCs were intact ,if this was meant like that we would have a very big PC's trouble problem all over egypt ,and beside that I think you know that God gave us our minds which we can control and organize our time with ,you could have organized your time better and you would still have the more amount of prayers and quraan's reading without the PC's troubles.
Thank you Night :)
I didn’t say all people should lose their PCs to concentrate on praying and reading Qur’an , I pray and read Qur’an along the year & during Ramanan while I’m using that PC, working, studying & having exams, the wheel never stops, and faith wasn’t an obstacle in our life, on contrary it pushes us for the best!
I believe there is only one Tota with unique attitudes & mind.
I lost my PC in the most critical time I was in need for it, during that week it has been fixed twice & returned back to me just when the engineer leaves, 5 mins and the same problem appears again and the PC stop responding, so it was very frustrating for me, I don’t see an end for that problem.
You know how to force yourself to like something that you really hate and just thinking about it makes u upset?; to extract the best thing about it, anything in my life I didn’t like, I was trying to find something about it to make me resist it, and that was my way in resisting the absence of my PC in those past days, maybe it’s not 100% correct,using the mind that allah gave to me and going to that oasis from time to time was making me better, Only for me and not for anyone else!!
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