Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Turning Point … A decision of quitting

Today I started to think seriously about that issue, it was passing across my mind from time to time, but today I wanted to put it in points, and have a final decision about it.

Today I have settled my mind about the matter of quitting my work, I don’t have any other available opportunities for now, others say I have to be sure that I’m having other job in hand before quitting my current one, but I don’t see that this is a must.
The problem is that everything about my work is excellent, my managers, the atmosphere, the feeling that everyone around u loves you & values you that much
But I don’t like the nature of my work, I don’t like what I’m doing, I feel stressed sometimes, without having that much of work, just because that everything I’m supposed to do I don’t like doing it!. I’m not giving enough for my work in the way I want it to be.
No progressing, I feel I’m stepping back every time. I’ve many things in my mind but I can’t achieve anyone of them, I’m disturbed, Scattered!

I have to put my THINGS TO DO list before it’s too late, putting priorities for things I like & see it’s more suiting me.
I’m going to have a master, I need to certify in other fields, I need to have a scholarship abroad, I want to work for a big company …… ext
I cant do that while I’m wasting my time that way in such useless work.

I know it will be a shock if I asked to quit I know they will ask for reasons over & over & it wont be easy for me or them, specially my Lovely Manager; sure I will miss her that much, I don’t know how can I stay at home without work, it’s like air and water for me, but I knowbut I know if I didn’t make that difficult decision now, I will stay as I am: going nowhere & achieving none of my goals.

"So I have to start now... and I hope that I'm right!”


Alina said...

If you don't like what you do it's really better to find something else. I am in favor of quitting only when you have at least some perspectives, call it prudent thinking...But of course, it's only up to you. If you feel that unhappy there, it is better to just quit and then worry about a new work place.

Anonymous said...

Well we all do what we feel is nessesary.
I'd rather not quit unless I knew there was something else awaiting me.
But best of luck to you in your decision.

doshar said...

it is a tough decision. why don't you take some time off and try what it is like to stay at home.

my bet is, you probably can't stand it, and you might get into something even worse jsut to get out of the house

if you are already doing your masters, well that will give you something to do

but my advice, hang in a little while, and look around at the same time. send out cvs and such. shoofy kida

Nightlegend said...

Well something similar happened to me last month ,I was working in a big pahrmaceutical company ,but unlike you I wasn't feeling comfortable with it ,first I wasn't working in my field and that was because of many factors inclufing the rarity of work oppurtunities these days especially in my field ,also there were other issues about work's fellows and the many disaggrements and conflicts we had in a very short period of time ,they were very berucratic and I don't like that ,also there were a weak salary and last is that I wasn't very lucky to have the same type of managers you had including the head of department I was working in or the branch's GM ,and I had nothing but quiting ,I have felt much relieved after resigning ,but that was temporary ,I now wish I had more time and more resistance and from my point of view and based on all the circumstances you listed about your job's nature I think you are very lucky (masha2 alah 3ashan 2el 7asad!!) ,so my advice to you also is to stick a little longer while trying to submit your CV at many places and at the same time you can start your certification career at least ,so please stay!

Bart Treuren said...

all i can say is, follow your intuition... for me it has been a much better indicator of personal happiness than the rational weighing up of pros and cons...

if it really feels right in the light of the alternatives, just do it...

and, if you make a mistake, perhaps you've learned a lesson through which you'll grow and mature in life... just my take here, hope you don't mind...

Wonderer said...

It seems to me that you've already made up your mind concerning resigning. I am just worried about you to get bored after staying at home. You are used to working and you seem to be an energitic person. Try to start your masters, to keep yourself busy and productive.
Anyway, best of luck and rabena yewafa2ek.

Me said...

You seem really fed up ya Tota :( I was "sort of" in your shoes last month ... got a really "good" full time job offer in a very respectable place I work part time in... good salary .. good place... not far from home ... but not in my fields of study :( ... had a hard time saying "NO" ... especially since I still didn't have a permanent job... I just want to tell you that I felt so stressed and "cornered" every time I thought of it ... felt it would take me away from all I've been trying to do the past few years... I don't regret my decision at all .. even though people thought I was crazy :-) Rabena yewafa2ek ... pray Estekhara if you haven't already and everything will go fine inshAllah

Charisma said...

tota, i learnt a very important thing through my short career, if you're unhappy about what you do, it'll affect your life dramatically, and it will affect you in a very negative way.

I had a similar situation as yours, but the difference was i LOVED my job and HATED my boss, it affected me to the extent that i used to go home every day crying, i started to fall into severe depression, i went to work every morning like a zombie, it was a night mare!

so believe me tota, nothing's worth staying in a palce you're unhappy in, and like many of the people here suggested, you can do your masters and occupy your time till you find something better.

Rabena ma3aki ISa :)

Al Sharief said...

First things first.
"We work to Live NOT Live to Work"
& It's good that you realized that you could enjoy work elsewhere doing something else.

Having said that it all depends on : What you want? could be a tough Q?! You seem that you could contemplate well on the ballancing act between Life & Work. But this means a comprehensive ballance about career, family, Goals and how much you need a job to get that ballance toward your future plans. Nothing mystic about that :) Best of Luck.


tota said...

Wonderer The only thing I did is that I put my idea into execution, It was buried , just when my mind goes to that area I was blocking it, I put it on the surface to begin analyzing it!
I know I’m lucky Nightlegend, the main problem that makes most of ppl leave their work is the unhealthy environment of work between you and your colleagues, you and your managers, the competitive spirit that in sometimes may cause disasters.
Doshar I’ve been thinking about that decision since a month & every time it was giving me the feeling of failure, failure of achieving a balanced point between my needs & my current situation, I know how to adopt to things, but adaptation is required till a certain point, after that we reach to saturation & we look for that steady stat after all!
And my intuition bart says that I won’t live the rest of my life in that job, one day I will switch to something else, but what is the suitable time to make that switching, now?
Sure I’m unhappy Chari of that confusion, between yes and no .. in each side there are points of adv. & disadv.
But shall we delay that happiness for a while to get the extreme happiness at the end!!
It sure depends on what I want Al Sharief , but not all what we want we can do it all at the same time, there are something called the suitable timing to begin achieving what u want to get the best of results .. and that timing is still undetermined for me, although the idea is existing.

Kayla your prudent thinking is right and logical, and I know how it feels when u stay at home without work, but if that is not available now, I’m full time busy with that work that it’s hard for me to go for interviews on a regular bases, then I should find other way out!

As I said yesterday I started to put my thoughts into execution, I tended to have a talk about that with my manager but it was very busy today … I hope I can get sometime to do that tomorrow, and see what could happen

Thanx all for your advices, I’m putting it all in consideration &
ME I pray Estekhara but the problem is I never dream :), but it could lead u to the way without noticing, hope so :)

Me said...

I don't dream either.. but like you said .. it could lead you without you noticing... all that you notice is that you feel comfortable with what you've decided to do ...
Rabena me3aki :-)

tota said...

ISA ME i'm kinda optimistic about it dunno why ? :)

btw Nightlegend what is GM, General Motors?

you Quit your work coz u didnt like your colleagues & the circumstances, with no further planing about what r u going to do later?
i know it's hard, but bad fellows are everywhere i was lucky to not have them in that job, but i'm prepered to have them if i worked for a big comp. as yours .. in every work enviroment u can find both types, it never goes with one type :)
Now, any luck so far ?

Nightlegend said...

Tota thanks for your questions ,GM stands for General Manager ,it's not general motors cause as far as I know there's no general motors in Egypt.

What did I do after quitting? ,well I started the ususal job hunting ,submitting my CV in every possible wen site and also when finding a reasonable Job's Ad in newspapers and also making many communications with different people both here and aboard ,There's nothing confirmed yet ,but some clues started to appear ,I have received two inquiries from two different IT companies in India!! ,I was amazed for that cause I never thought about India before but I haven't wasted much time ,I have submitted my CV to them with all the required details and I am waiting for the results ,also trying hardly to find something in Dubai or in the USA ,I know that seems like alot of activity within the same time's frame but that's how it has to be done to maximize your chances.

I know I may have been a little rused when I did quit ,but I think that I wasn't in a very good psychological state at those times ,so that accelerated my decision ,and we had something in common...I didn't like this job or this company at all.

tota said...

well Nightlegend, it's only one thing in common .. coz i like the company, it has no relation with the decision!