Thursday, May 19, 2005

Seeds Of Wisdom

Claim Victory

If you ever find yourself defending a position,
explaining why, or justifying anything, it means
you have been defeated. It means you have not
been able to accept the others point of view
, or the fact that you may be wrong.
Fear has conquered your mind and your heart.
Your defences are up and you are running scared
It's not that the other person has conquered you
,it's the self-created fear that is in
Until you can accept the other (you don't have
to agree) and you are not threatened by the other,
your victories will be delayed.
It's a funny old world when true winning is
Accepting not resisting, when victory is found
in the wisdom to stop fighting and to begin
Extracted From The Internet

1 comment:

ikhnaton2 said...

I agree with ur wisdom. Personally, I don't defend my behavior as it's right even if others is seeing it wrong. But sometimes u need to open the eyes of others to ur point of view and they have the choice to accept it or deny it.