Sunday, April 30, 2006

Speaking Politics … May I ? Al Baha’ia In Egypt!!

I don’t know from where to start … this issue is new still, but I’m sure the sequences won’t be good on all levels & sides.
Yesterday I have been watching Program
Al-Hakika on Dream II Channel , it was discussing that new judgment sentence which is considering the Baha’ia a religion to be written in the ID & Birthday certificate same as Jewish, Christian & Muslim…

For me I didn’t know much about this new thing except its name, but yesterday I started to realize that it’s something much more beyond just the name, it’s not just a religion as they claim, it’s a new Zionist plan which has just started to carve itself … and I don’t know for where we have to go if it will be true!.

عقيدتهم, معتقداتم ... عن تاريج هذا الفكر
الذي بدأ كمخطط بين الروس و اليهود ... فلسفتهم في الحياة هي الصهيونية ضد الأسلام ... وأسقاط فريضة الجهاد التي هي العدو الألد لأي محتل.
ويدعون أنهم يؤمنون بجميع الديانات السابقة لكن الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه واله و سلم ليس هو خاتم الأنبياء وأن الوحي الألهي مستمر !!!
قبلتهم هي قصر البهجة في عكا واليه يحجون. للمزيد
هنا و هنا والجزء الثاني من البرنامج يذاع يوم السبت الثامنة مساءا و يعاد الأحد الرابعة.

وكان مجمع البحوث الإسلامية بالأزهر، قد أصدر في شهر ديسمبر من عام 2003. فتوى تعلن أن " الإسلام لا يقر أي ديانة أخرى غير ما أمرنا القرآن باحترامه، فلا ينبغي، بل يمتنع أن تكون في مصر ديانة غير الإسلام والمسيحية واليهودية لأن كل ديانة أخرى غير مشروعة ومخالفة للنظام العام". وطلبت الفتوى من السلطات التشريعية والقضائية والتنفيذية اعمال شئونها في هذا الأمر، ووصفت الفتوى المذهب البهائي بأنه وامثاله " من نوعيات الأوبئة الفكرية الفتاكة التي يجب أن تجند الدولة كل إمكاناتها لمكافحته والقضاء عليه".

والان يصدر حكم قضائي بالأعتراف بها, أنا لسة ما أعرفش تفاصيل هذا الحكم. لكنها البداية على ما أظن.
ما معنى هذا الحكم أن يمارسوا طقوسهم في العلن وتحت مسمع و مرأى الجميع في أطار أنه شرعي و أين؟ في بلد اسلامي وهل تستطيع منعهم من أداء ما يسموه بفريضة الحج.
وبما أنهم بيحرموا الجهاد فأكيد مالهمش تجنيد. وممكن ده يفتح مجال للتلاعب. وايه لو ينزل له منهج في المدارس, أكيد مش حيدرس الأسلام أو المسيحية. أو يعفى من حصص التربية الدينية... أسئلة ... أسئلة...
وأخيرا سنه 1960. بقرار جمهوري أغلق جمال عبد الناصر جميع المحافل البهائية لأنها تعتبر قنوات للصهيونيه و قضى بعقوبة من ستة أشهر الى الثلاث سنوات لمن يمارس هذه العقيده و الأن نسمح لها أن تأخذ اطار شرعي ... فاضل ايه تاني ممكن يتقال!
بدأت السنه بالرسوم المسيئة للرسول, كارثة العبارة, وقفة القضاه و ماحدث في أعقابة, تفجيرات ذهب, والان الأعتراف بالبهائييت في
مصر ..... لسه فاضل 7 شهور لأنتهاء هذه السنه الكبيسه, المفروض نتوقع أحداث أكثر من ذلك في طريفها للحدوث ؟


Kareem Alkaseer said...

Well, I am not going to argue whether Baha'ia is a Zionist strand or not. But I noticed that as those who believe in Baha'ia and in turn don't believe in "Gehad" so they would deny enrollment in the military service. Does this mean that we enroll in the military service in Egypt upon religious basis? Muslims and Christians equally?! And what about any others?!! Does this mean that we serve Islam by enrolling in the military service not Egypt? Does this mean that anyone who is not Muslim or a Muslim with no willing to be involved in "Gehad" is forced to to serve Islam?

Second, what relationship exists between the military service and Islam? Do we enter the military defending the nation of Islam that was once formerly known Egypt?

Third, Does that mean that it is the rule of your claimed Islam that makes whatever person - Muslim, Christian, or even Atheist, protects his country?

Another issue, is it right to enforce religion teaching in schools in the first place?!

I am really shocked. We are live here under one hood, a hood that must be Egyptian common identity and Egyptian common identity solely.

Your way makes classification of individuals very easy by the way: this is Christian, this is Muslim and these all others are motherfuckers. After a while the Christian is left out and his/her name will be jotted down in the motherfuckers list.

Please, this is not the way. You like, convinced, or maybe believe in your religion. This religion is nothing but thoughts you believe in. Other have similar thought so you have to respect them so that you deserve their respect. And if you don't want their respect, then you will never be respected.

tota said...

since the beginning of your comment till the last words I noticed that you do select some words between lines ruining the whole meaning which in the first place I meant in here … which is the point of the judgment sentence …

(Does this mean that we enroll in the military service in Egypt upon religious basis? Muslims and Christians equally?! And what about any others?!! Does this mean that we serve Islam by enrolling in the military service not Egypt? Does this mean that anyone who is not Muslim or a Muslim with no willing to be involved in "Gehad" is forced to to serve Islam?)

well about your point … when I mentioned the issue of military service I was mocking the whole situation in the first place, and as I said I don’t know yet the details of that judgment sentence … but as you arise this point specially then …

enrolling in military service is a duty on every citizen whatever his religion was … whatever his believe, in the case of war we are all united to defend our country against transgressors. and partially or fully this is the case allover the world even in places where no faith exists!

and when your patriotism is supported by your faith and greater meaning which is “fight in the Way of Allâh” , your well is doubled and here i don’t distinguish or regard only Islam i mean all “Heavenly Religions” in which Allâh asked us for that & who he mentioned the reward.
Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allâh, and whoso fights in the Cause of Allâh, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward.

Under all kinds of physical & psychological stresses at a moment of weakness ur patriotism may withdraw in front of the fear of death … you find your faith to support you even in the case of death … u know u r raised to a high station. Coz Allâh said that!

And that point is what the Invaders and raiders have realized in their wars against us, they try all ways to reduce these enthusiasts, this point of distinguish which they miss in their army.

(Do we enter the military defending the nation of Islam)

it’s you who interpreted my words this way & said that according to whatever thing in ur mind. My words and all what I said in my post doesn’t point by any meaning to something like that! And I’m sure anyone who would read it wouldn’t supposedly interpret it the way you did!

( Does that mean that it is the rule of your Islam makes whatever person - Muslim, Christian, or even Atheist, protects his country?)

I dont get what do u mean by this but Allâh also said:

وقاتلوا في سبيل الله الذين يقاتلونكم ولا تعتدوا ان الله لا يحب المعتدين
And fight in the Way of Allâh those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors. (This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihâd, but it was supplemented by another ).

in case someone transgress you! Won’t u defend urself in case someone harmed you, mother or father … country while he has no right for that.. in the simplest scenario? Even by words!!

(is it right to enforce religion teaching in schools in the first place?!)

why are they teaching math, science. Geography, history in schools, and why u accept to learn them? Why when it comes to religion you called it enforcing?
When you love something you will seek all ways to know it & learn it and it wont be a burden or enforcing, the same with your religion one, two … lectures are not enough!!

On other side, if you have someone and you are responsible about say your kid, sister, brother … won’t start to teach him his faith? Or this is considered a type of enforcing?

(Your way makes classification of individuals very easy by the way: this is Christian, this is Muslim and these all others are motherfuckers. After a while the Christian is left out and his/her name will be jotted down in the motherfuckers list)

what classification are you talking about? Where? I said our faith asks us to “Respect” all the three “Heavenly Religions” other than these faiths, it shouldn’t be considered. And there is a big difference between respecting and considering!

Again you read my lines and interpret it according to whatever thoughts previously existed in your mind …
Beside …
Human as an abstract being is respected it’s allah made it has the whole right to be respected regardless his believes ,,,, but not coz I respect this person as a human i should consider his believes!!!.

(you have to respect them so that you deserve their respect. And if you don't want their respect, then you will never be respected. )

I see you who clearly used the classification what do you mean by “YOU” & “THEM” what do u mean by them or they … why you started to classify this one hood you have been talking a while ago?
And again I say there is a big difference between Respect, Believe & Consider

And one last word, you say
(You like, convinced, or maybe believe in your religion. This religion is nothing but thoughts you believe in )

no it’s not … the “Definition” thoughts you may call it on Human’s … but for Allâh faith. It’s his rules, his guidance, his way of protecting us against us … it’s deeper & further beyond being just some words putted in a certain way or context … and in return, it’s our Doings regarding this faith not only our words!

Kareem Alkaseer said...

First, since you mentioned that I read between the line to attach corrupted meanings to what you say, then, let me tell you something. You are so much contradicting yourself! I am not the one who related “Jihad” to the military services – I didn't say that as they don't believe in Jihad then they won't enroll in the military service! It is really you who said that, right?

Second, You are really relating “Jihad” to the military services again! What patriotism that may coupled with faith in god. Is our enemy always the enemy of god? It is the enemy of god so that our faith in god gives us the power to fight its enemy? What happens when the enemy is of the same religion? Does the enemy become a deviant that we fight in the name of god? Bitterly, some in the army to which we belong may believe in the enemy's religion, is he fighting with us in the name of “our” god?! Are these some are next enemy then? Oh I forgot what you said earlier, you said that people enroll in the military services regardless of their religion!!! We are fighting in the name of god regardless of our religions....heaven on earth!!! Please be consistent! And don't tell me I am mocking the situation because as you said later on your comment religions are not thoughts, so don't tell me I am just mocking.

Third, how could you tell me that when my patriotism fails me I will find only the faith in god to protect me! Oh I tell you the reason, later you said “because Allah(god) have said that”. Isn't it a bit odd to tell me that you have to follow because god said that? I think you have to tell me why should I do what god said and reason it before you tell me “god says that so you have to follow”. Well, does that mean that a believer is better than a non-believer...the first has two wall of protection remember?! I am still assuming that we are fighting in the name of god by the way which is not consistent in the first place.

Forth, I tell you why I interpret this way, I think you wondered how could Egypt which is majority Muslims allow those who believe in Baha'ia to exercise their cult, didn't you? It is religion versus another isn't it? You don't have to consider Baha'ia as a religion to deal with it as a religion. The main point is that some people believe in it as their religion. What about Buddhism for example will you accept its cult to be exercised in Egypt which is majority Muslims? By the way, Buddhism is not quite a religion. So why do you accept Christians to exercise their beliefs? Is it because they share the Muslims' god? By the way if this is the reason I advice you to revise your reasoning...Christians' god had a child once while the Muslims' god never had and never will. The two gods are not quite the same? Or do I suck in your opinion? If I do then you have to think about what childhood means and what it means to be the king child!!! Also, this majority Muslims in your way gives Egypt the very right to give advantages to Muslims over those of other religions! Did I mis-interpreted your clear-cut words again? By the way, this way Muslims should be really humiliated in Europe and The West generally because they are just minority there..isn't it very logical? But why not let's get further Majority means power in the sense you address those powerful Western countries which are majority Christians have the right to allow or prohibit us the East from doing things in their world?! Give me a break.

Fifth, is it by chance that when you didn't got my words – which were already so clear – you then words from Qur'an? For your notice, you are relating Jihad to the military service again....and again and again!! It really seems that I am the one who talks in a freaky distracted way!!! You gotta be kidding me.

Sixth, Yes I call teaching religion in school enforcement. You know what, because sciences are facts relate to this nasty world we live in and they are our only source of development but religion is a personal issue or to be more specific is a value issue and it is not a societal value. We all agree that 1+1=2 but we don't agree on even existence of god!! Moreover, existence of god will not affect me being ignorant but science do. So it have to be a choice to study religions in schools....but wait if a jaw is in school and will you accept that he study his religion in school.....What the heck is that it seems totally of every reason really!! Well, you know what in Egypt parents really enforce their religions on their kids. Can you tell me how many kids are given general humane recommendations then left to decide which religion they will follow. What happens when a Muslim convert to Christianity or vice versa? What do the parents do? Do they call him/her their baby again?

Seventh, you really burning your castle again!! So those who believe a religion other than the “ Heavenly Religions” - as you named them – are fools and they are not as good as those who believe in the heavenly religions. Aren't you already listing them? How come you discard the notion of cult respect whenever you don't believe in that cult. People respect others adhering to beliefs regardless their own beliefs!! Other way, what respect becomes? Please don't let your list limited to 3 items and don't reserve the last item for the motherfucker.

Eighth, What is that you meant by “abstract human”? A human without a brain or body for example? Sorry try to get your brain out of your head then let your “abstract human” respond to me!!!

Ninth, so religion is not a lot of thoughts one believes in according to you!! Our thought are dirty so the notion of thoughts don't apply to god!!! Firstly, could you please give me 50 kilograms of religion. It is not a thought so it must be a some kind of material!!! Hola, It is not right in the first place...thoughts are results of materialistic matters! Religion is some sort of interpretation of reality, isn't it? Remember that god dwells only in our heads till the way it is so debatable that god even exists! Secondly, to convince you, ask an animal or...a chair what is your religion! What answer do you expect to get? You know, religion could have never existed if they weren't thoughts...they are in our heads as a reflection of reality....maybe a false reflection.

Actually, I call this way of thinking Fanaticism

Please have a thinking day before you throw more Qur'an words at me!

tota said...

“! I am not the one who related “Jihad” to the military services – I didn't say that as they don't believe in Jihad then they won't enroll in the military service! It is really you who said that, right?

I said that, not coz they don’t believe in joinig the army, but coz they forbidden it, and how they could be forced to do something, their believes forbidden it, so the judgment sentence as it considers their believes a religion. Should not force them on doing something against what they believe in!! “I was mocking”.

“ You are really relating “Jihad” to the military services again! What patriotism that may coupled with faith in god. Is our enemy always the enemy of god? It is the enemy of god so that our faith in god gives us the power to fight its enemy? What happens when the enemy is of the same religion? Does the enemy become a deviant that we fight in the name of god?”

it’s a defending, against those who fight us, the October 76 war was for what?.
If that Invader and raider has no right to take my land won’t I fight him, even if he is of my same religion, As Kuwait – Iraq war??

I said military service is a duty on every citizen, then later I mentioned religion why r u skipping this point again. And even if I coupled faith with war, what is wrong if for one person he takes his power from his religion while the other takes it from something else??
Are not there a patriotism songs, speeches … and so on it’s all to enthuses & encourage people to go on ,,, what is wrong if one takes it from his faith, what is your problem with that?!!!

” I think you wondered how could Egypt which is majority Muslims allow those who believe in Baha'ia to exercise their cult, didn't you?”

Really! From where u get these thoughts … I didn’t mention minority or majority or anything related …. I think if Jewish exists in Egypt then they are minority & I didn’t mention them in my list …. I object coz their believes are made up & not real & they allow what is already forbidden as adultery for example.
What came later in this point of ur comment didn’t make sense for me!

” is it by chance that when you didn't got my words – which were already so clear – you then words from Qur'an? For your notice, you are relating Jihad to the military service again”

The only thing I got from ur words, when u said “Islam rule” u related Islam, in ur comment in such a prejudice way … why u deny me to get verse from Qur’an as it’s Islam related Issue, to clarify something I think u didn’t get yet !!

” So those who believe a religion other than the “ Heavenly Religions” - as you named them – are fools and they are not as good as those who believe in the heavenly religions” … ” How come you discard the notion of cult respect whenever you don't believe in that cult. People respect others adhering to beliefs regardless their own beliefs!!”

“as you named them – are fools”??
u put meanings & interpret the way you want again !!
I distinguished between believing, considering & respecting. I have Atheist friend, I respect him … I like his thoughts in some places. But do I believe in what he believes “God does not exist” or consider it. You shouldn’t agree all the way with ur partner… or ppl wont be nothing more than mirrors.

I told u human as an abstract being & u mocked it although I already mentioned what I mean. Regardless his faith, adding to that his color, even his political believes, he is respected !! ,,, doesn’t that support the idea of the one hood u have been talking about?

”, so religion is not a lot of thoughts one believes in according to you!! Our thought are dirty so the notion of thoughts don't apply to god!!!”

U said religion is Just thoughts?? Allah thoughts? Yea I object this meaning if that what u meant!

” Please have a thinking day before you throw more Qur'an words at me!”
Yea it’s wrong to give words to someone can’t understand it, and the evidence is that he still repeats himself as if he even didn’t try to look or understand why they were written in the first place!!

Kareem Alkaseer said...

I said:
“......I am not the one who related “Jihad” to the military services – I didn't say that as they don't believe in Jihad then they won't enroll in the military service! It is really you who said that, right?”

and that was your comment:
I said that, not coz they don’t believe in joinig the army, but coz they forbidden it, and how they could be forced to do something, their believes forbidden it, so the judgment sentence as it considers their believes a religion. Should not force them on doing something against what they believe in!! “I was mocking”.

Let me tell you something that you said something different in the original post. You said that:
وبما أنهم بيحرموا الجهاد فأكيد مالهمش تجنيد

Now let's compare the two quotes. In the first one you say that they prohhibit enrollment in the military service according to their beliefs. But in the second you say that they prohibit "Jihad" according to their beliefs. Now let me ask you something...who puts the military service and "Jihad" to have typical meanings? Is it me? Or them? No No stop spinning off because it gets dazy is you who trying to make - or believe that - the military service and "Jihad" have typical meanings!! Don't tell me that enrollment in the army is a duty on every citizen then, because if the military service and "jihad" are the same thing, enrollment in the army would become a religious duty on Muslims and Muslims alone. So please don't go into those creepy chaging phases again.

You know, if enrollment in the army and "Jihad" have the same meaning it becomes a very logical outcome that when we fight with the army, we really fight for god. So don't blame be asking is our enemy god's enemy? Oh you are still lingering in the allay, aren't you? When the Egyptian faught in 73 they were liberating their land, that's so true....but they weren't fighting for god's sake you know.

By the way, commented me when I said:
You are really relating “Jihad” to the military services again! What patriotism that may coupled with faith in god. Is our enemy always the enemy of god? It is the enemy of god so that our faith in god gives us the power to fight its enemy? What happens when the enemy is of the same religion? Does the enemy become a deviant that we fight in the name of god? Bitterly, some in the army to which we belong may believe in the enemy's religion, is he fighting with us in the name of “our” god?! Are these some are next enemy then? Oh I forgot what you said earlier, you said that people enroll in the military services regardless of their religion!!! We are fighting in the name of god regardless of our religions....heaven on earth!!! Please be consistent! And don't tell me I am mocking the situation because as you said later on your comment religions are not thoughts, so don't tell me I am just mocking.
with these words:
it’s a defending, against those who fight us, the October 76 war was for what?.
If that Invader and raider has no right to take my land won’t I fight him, even if he is of my same religion, As Kuwait – Iraq war??

Sorry, what sort of answer is that?!You skip all that you said earlier and keep hopping to different issues. You skip all that you mentioned about "Jihad" before telling me that we defend our country because we have to. If this is what you believe in so why do you treat the military service and "Jihad" equally in the first place? Let me show you something funny, the former enemy of god now became the the present invader....different names but wait...what the heck is that? They are just the same. You use different words with different meanings to refer to the same thing, then, ironically, tell me that they are not the same really breaking every relationship you made earlier to prove you hazy re-make the relationship trying to prove something else. Is that honesty? Or is it your impressive thinking? No No maybe truth can just stem from broken links..truth this way becomes an assembly of lies!!

I wonder why did you say that I was skipping what you have said about the military service as a citizen duty? Do you really think that I am skipping it? How so? By the way I just mentioned that and I did many times. But let me tell you something, I refer to this way of thinking as the broken links orientation. Take a look at what I said before.

Onther point, you think about religion as a societal not personal matter that must rule our society then you simply forget about that telling me that we personally can have different sources of patriotism other than faith!!! While as far as the society is concerned faith in god is what gives us sense of patriotism to enroll in the military – or "Jihad" as you say. Who contradicting is that? Society is not grouping of individuals you know...the whole is greater than the sum.

When I said ”I think you wondered how could Egypt which is majority Muslims allow those who believe in Baha'ia to exercise their cult, didn't you?”

you commented me saying:
Really! From where u get these thoughts … I didn’t mention minority or majority or anything related …. I think if Jewish exists in Egypt then they are minority & I didn’t mention them in my list …. I object coz their believes are made up & not real & they allow what is already forbidden as adultery for example.
What came later in this point of ur comment didn’t make sense for me!

Don't forget that in your original post said:
ما معنى هذا الحكم أن يمارسوا طقوسهم في العلن وتحت مسمع و مرأى الجميع في أطار أنه شرعي و أين؟ في بلد اسلامي وهل تستطيع منعهم من أداء ما يسموه بفريضة الحج.
Doesn't this imply any notion of majority to you?! Let me rephrase the question: how can a minority which we consider wrong exercise its cult freely in a society dominated by us the majority? Is it a bit clear now? Or you are going to say that you don't understand? Actually, there is no other meaning so don't go again into your changing phases!
By the way, don't talk about respect much because they way you deny the Jew cult is so disrespectful really. You don't have to believe their beliefs to respect their believing in them! Don't put them in the third rank!!!!

I said:
Sixth, Yes I call teaching religion in school enforcement. You know what, because sciences are facts relate to this nasty world we live in and they are our only source of development but religion is a personal issue or to be more specific is a value issue and it is not a societal value. We all agree that 1+1=2 but we don't agree on even existence of god!! Moreover, existence of god will not affect me being ignorant but science do. So it have to be a choice to study religions in schools....but wait if a Jewish is in school and will you accept that he study his religion in school.....What the heck is that it seems totally of every reason really!! Well, you know what in Egypt parents really enforce their religions on their kids. Can you tell me how many kids are given general humane recommendations then left to decide which religion they will follow. What happens when a Muslim convert to Christianity or vice versa? What do the parents do? Do they call him/her their baby again?

you replied simply ” I think if Jewish exists in Egypt then they are minority & I didn’t mention them in my list “

What does this mean? Back to the broken links again and again!

You wrote ”“as you named them – are fools”?? u put meanings & interpret the way you want again !! “

Actually by as you named them I meant that you distinguish Jew, Christianity and Islam from other religions. When I said “So those who believe a religion other than the “ Heavenly Religions” - as you named them – are fools and they are not as good as those who believe in the heavenly religions” I could equally say so those who believe a religion other than the “ Heavenly Religions” are fools.....
I think you have to watch my punctuation! Or stop providing my words in a way that gives them false meaning. Again it is clear that it is not me who tries to read the words and then rephrase them giving them different meanings!!!

I said ”Fifth, is it by chance that when you didn't got my words – which were already so clear – you then words from Qur'an? For your notice, you are relating Jihad to the military service again....and again and again!! It really seems that I am the one who talks in a freaky distracted way!!! You gotta be kidding me. “

and you commented that saying:
”The only thing I got from ur words, when u said “Islam rule” u related Islam, in ur comment in such a prejudice way … why u deny me to get verse from Qur’an as it’s Islam related Issue, to clarify something I think u didn’t get yet !! “

What is that in the first place? Were you commenting my paragraph? You get Qur'an words/verses to clarify something to me! And so I have the right to get any any Qur'an alike, say, the Bible to clarify some points too. Doesn't it become a religion-versus-another story!! The point you never commented!! Tell me what you think based on whatever but don't tell me that my religion is better than you...!!!

”I distinguished between believing, considering & respecting. I have Atheist friend, I respect him … I like his thoughts in some places. But do I believe in what he believes “God does not exist” or consider it. You shouldn’t agree all the way with ur partner… or ppl wont be nothing more than mirrors. “

Considering....I consider this to be a cat...I consider my beliefs to be wrong.....He is considered as the music master of the era.....He is considered as a criminal....and so. What is it considering anyway? Considering other beliefs completeness? Considering the righteous? Considering!!!
What should I do when I know that you have an Atheist friend? Is it related? Again you hop from a societal issue to a personal issue!!! You are contradicting yourself! Please refer to what I said earlier before you go in that direction.

Abstract human! What does that mean? Is there is a human and an abstract human? Adding one's beliefs and thoughts to one self make him/her an abstract human? This is really hazy. What a human is without his/her thoughts? A non-abstract human?! Not again please.

I think I told you clearly how I consider religions to be thoughts. Can you tell me how you don't consider religions as thoughts before you tell me I object? Imagine that you don't think. Would you know what a religion might be? If it is not thoughts or values, can you tell me why different people believe in different religion? Is it because there is a religion occupying some space here and another occupying some other space there? Please tell me. Refer to my blog "Al-meezan" and find a post titled "Thinking of You, Dear Illusion, I mention religion in it.

I won't comment your last paragraph. It is too personal so I won't be involved in any sort of persona judging.
You neglected most of that I said in my last comment commenting only what that you liked to. This is not the way of objectivity by the way. So please reply to that I said earlier then ask new questions or tell new sayings.

It is not personal between you and me. We don't even know each other so don't take it so.

tota said...

It’s really pathetic, the way u start make up situations & then give them answers & make a point of disagreeing with everything that is said … and read between my lines the crap which only exists in your head, then start to stick it to me trying to show a contradiction in what I was trying to say since I already posted that post. That cheap way to prove your point of view … u r just moving around and not having a shaped view.

And by the way I didn’t qoute or even comment on ur sixth paragraph which u related the jewish comment to it go back and see on which part was that comment and according to ur sith paragraph !! I see it personal to u & I’m not into solving the problem between u and ur god “to convince u about his existence”…. “am i supposed to comment on every word u say!!!”.

Well, u say in the last paragraph in your comment
“I won't comment your last paragraph. It is too personal so I won't be involved in any sort of persona judging ... It is not personal between you and me. We don't even know each other so don't take it so.”

You have been judging me since ur first comment, while u don’t have the slightest right to do that ….

“this is not the way” ….” don't go into those creepy chaging phases” … “to respect them so that you deserve their respect.”
…. “Actually, I call this way of thinking Fanaticism” … “you are still lingering in the allay, aren't you?”…. “Is that honesty? Or is it your impressive thinking? No No maybe truth can just stem from broken links..truth this way becomes an assembly of lies!!” …. “I refer to this way of thinking as the broken links orientation” …

And not only that “don't talk about respect much because they way you deny the Jew cult is so disrespectful really.”

U want to control the both way conversation asking what I’m supposed to do or say. Catching & standing on certain words … while u r giving yourself the right to say and in many times disrespect what is already said in the conversation… you are the one who is showing disrespect from the beginning and if you translated my last paragraph being so personal and started to seek sympathy,,, it can be clearly shown that every accusation u threw to me is personal … and yes you don’t know me!

You were the one asking me to respect others to be respected in return ,,, I think before giving advices u have to apply them on yourself first

I have no time to waste in what I see it as a “”debate”” coz actually I shouldn’t call it a “”conversation””

you the one who lost my main Point about this subject & wasted it among ur claimed cases, which is not my point here …

I have been talking about Al baha’ia as A claimed religion to be considered & raised here in Egypt “whatever ur religion is” … this is not a religion and nothing to be considered … and I say I still dunno that “7okm kada2y” and if they respected their believes as a religion ,,, fa lazim yekamilo gimilhom & support them in their believes till the end & not enroll them in military … and in my opinion they don’t have a right to join the military coz u can consider such ppl not qualified to join ur military “their rule is a Zionist plan” and ur main Enemy Is Israel “go back to the word of President Gamal 3abd el Nasr who considered them just tunnels of Zionist”…. In case of war u won’t come to a spy for example & ask him to fight with u side by side coz it’s a duty on every citizen ,,, yes this is the main rule in military before religion or whatever … bs likol ka3da shawaaaz …. And in case of war what is ur name? … it’s whatever it’s ,, for Muslim it’s called Jihad for other than Muslim call it whatever name suits u.

,,, my point was very clear & if u don’t want to see it then mind your own business … I will not go explain over and over & defend myself against the meanings that u r obviously trying to put on my words.

Have a nice day!

Kareem Alkaseer said...

You interpret my way creepy and cheap! Why you replied to my first comment then? I really wonder if you are saying that out of believing it? Anyway, the way you talk is not my style of having an honest and mature conversation. You took it personally then it is up to you. I guess I said what I wanted to say no matter what you may think of it. It doesn't matter really as the way you showed doesn't suggest any kind of reasonable conversations.
Before I forget, was it that hard trying to reply?

tota said...

reply? ... u had enough replies actually more than what it really deserves ... i noticed that attacking way with no reason from the beginning … but I said maybe u r someone in seek of explanation, so I gave it to u not only once or twice but three times.( but i never consideres it personal” this was ur childish thought u who threw it in ur last comment?? And then reflected it back on me as u used to do)… But it’s when human minds race in narrow corner rapidly … trying to prove superiority, ok enjoy whatever thing u got ""saying what u wanted to say"", I permitted u the space to say it lol … Contradiction … going on a conversation u see it not reasonable and not of your style of course not of ur style “far2a3 wi 2gry”
and more over calling it “ not honest and mature conversation” …
calling me not honest, reasonable, mature ... it’s ur own judgment and actually it doesn’t matter me.
throw whatever u want it's only Ur words.

Me said...

Just wanted to say

"Allahoma thabbit quloobona 3ala deenek"

tota said...

This is how they refered to it in many places & that Al bahaa grave existed “Qasr Al Bahga” is there.