Monday, May 23, 2005

A beautiful mind

Well : ) ….. i wanna talk about something beautiful in here ;)
Hahahaaaa , yeaa when it comes the word beautiful , the first scene comes across our mind , a beautiful sight , face , shape ,,,, most of us has this view about beauty we always look at the surface and never care about the essence ,, it’s always this case .
did u try instead of watching the nature , to hear it ?! as listening to the sunset . insane right , but I do .

ohhhhhh yea … I can see her , this beautiful woman at a cocktail party she has an elegant clothes and a shiny face .
surprisingly , she seems to be much on her own . people come to her and quickly drift away .
then I looked around and I found that short , balding and mousy man . he is surrounded by people in animated conversation with him

I asked myself , what is going on ? , don’t we all seek beauty ?!!
Actually in my opinion … it’s easy to get a physical beauty , make your body beautiful , like going to gym , make your face beautiful , even with plastic surgery .
BUT … what about your mind ? do you make any effort at all to have a beautiful mind ? everyday I & you wake up in the morning thinking what will we wear for today , is my face that pretty this morning , or it looks as If I need to sleep for the rest of the week ! , but we never wake up and think what will I do for my mind today ?!!
Great beauty with a boring mind is boring , you can get attention but you will never keep that attention .
I believe that we are all born with a certain shape of face and body .
There is only a certain amount we can do to make them more beautiful , but there is very much more that we can do to make our mind more beautiful .
As we get older ; physical beauty tends to fade , but beauty of mind is independent of age and can actually increase with wisdom and experience .
Just as people can look at your physical beauty they can listen to the beauty of your mind ….

That’s true , I remember that man in that TV show yesterday , when they were asking him about his bride in their wedding ceremony .
I realty appreciated what he said … it touched me , it made me see his bride very very beautiful although I wasn’t seeing her so , in the couple minutes before his said , with her long nose , small eyes and long face with tip chin .
He said a man could spend all his life looking for a woman like her , and it’s rarely to find and may not , but I was lucky to find her only after 30 years of my age … lucky me !
I’m sure at this moment he was describing her beautiful mind and Serenity's Amenities soul , he had a couple her beauty never fade with time , they will age with each others , and everyday they will look to see that they are more beautiful than yesterday !

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